Our Facilitators
The Rest of Activism Membership
We are incredibly lucky to have this amazing group of facilitators who run workshops for us at the Rest of Activism. Here is a bit of info about each of them:
Jo Musker-Sherwood
The Rest of Activism Convener
After six years as the Founding Director of a fast growing climate NGO, Jo (she/her) experienced an extreme and life changing burnout. The Rest of Activism membership grew out of this experience, where Jo works to support other at risk activists. Jo now mentors, writes, consults and teaches on wellbeing practices across social and environmental movements to support activists in fuelling themselves and their work with joy.
Bidisha Banerjee
Somatic Leadership Coach
Bidisha (she/her) is a social ecologist, somatic leadership coach and author currently living in Chochenyo-Ohlone territory (Oakland). Bidisha has worked alongside Bill Mckibbien, for five years as the founding program director of the Dalai Lama Fellows, and more recently as a coach for highly sensitive social innovators who are cultivating healthy habits and overcoming challenges.
Bonita Ford
Facilitator, Speaker & Mentor
Bonita Eloise Ford (she/her) is the author of the book “Embers of Hope: Embracing Life in an Age of Ecological Destruction and Climate Chaos” which was quickly listed as one of the “Top 20+ best all-time permaculture books by women.” As a facilitator and speaker for over 20 years, Bonita has taught permaculture, led Nonviolent Communication and Reiki (energy healing) workshops, volunteered in hospice, and is currently Climate Mental Health Network's Gen Z Advisors Program Lead.
Jo Walduck
Business, Recovery & Life Coach
Jo Walduck (she/they) is a trauma-informed business, recovery and life coach, originally from the UK but now living in France. Her expertise ranges from burnout care and prevention, addiction and eating disorder recovery, navigating chronic illness and fatigue, to navigating transitions and separations. She also spends her time volunteering as a co-coordinator in her local Queer and Trans Collective in Dieppe, hosting sharing circles and support groups for individuals in underrepresented populations working on their eating disorder recovery.
LaUra Schmidt
Eco-Distress & Grief Tender
LaUra Schmidt (she/her) is the founder of the Good Grief Network and the brain behind the “10-Steps to Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate” program. She is a lifelong student, curator, and practitioner of personal and collective resilience strategies. LaUra’s new book on eco-distress, How to Live in a Chaotic Climate: 10 Steps to Reconnect with Ourselves, Our Communities, and Our Planet, is available through Shambhala Publications.
Peter Lefort
Systems & Resilience Facilitator
Peter (he/him) is a coach, trainer, network builder and facilitator focusing on resilience in the face of complex systems in climate and social change. His work is aimed at surfacing patterns in how we think and work, both with ourselves and with others, and how they can be changed with practice into patterns that better serve us.
Selin Nurgün
Somatic Coach, Bodyworker, & Educator
Selin (they/she) is a trauma-sensitive somatic coach, educator, and possibility strategist working at the intersection of embodiment, justice, and climate resilience based in Asheville, NC. They hold the significance of body-centered transformation as key to collective healing and liberation. Their commitment to centering underserved and vulnerable communities in climate mental health has led them to explore non-western, non-institutional, and anti-carceral healing approaches that break down barriers to care.
Ruth Appleton
Coordinator and Facilitator
Ruth (she/they) is a freelance digital marketing consultant, helping charities and organisations in the wellness space increase their online impact. She is also training to be a counsellor, and has 9 years’ experience working in the third sector supporting disadvantaged young people, university students and vulnerable women. At the Rest of Activism she is currently helping to coordinate the programme and also occasionally facilitates live sessions for the membership.
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